Trip to United States

28 June to 30 July 2010

9 July 2010 (Friday)

Today was another day for catching up on various tasks, and a good part of the day was spent over on the Maryknoll Society side of the road.  I got to see several Society members to say goodbye for this trip and then got some training and information from the I.S. Department.

Again this year about 30 mostly young people headed overseas with various mission groups have come to Bethany, the Maryknoll Lay Mission headquarters, for orientation and training before going to their assignments.  This morning they met with Fr. Jim Madden to talk about issues of inculturation.
MISO group session

Later right after I arrived at the Information Services Department on the Society campus, the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the building.  It was a false alarm but this is the first of four fire trucks and four other emergency vehicles that soon converged.  There were more functioning fire trucks at Maryknoll today than in all of Cambodia.
Fire department at Maryknoll

When the alarm problem was resolved and we were allowed back in the building, I met with Andy Fitzgerald, a senior systems designer, to learn about new electronic forms that we will need to use for budget applications.
Andy Fitzgerald

While I was meeting with Andy, Jack Corcoran of Nepal was learning about the same forms from Denise Pierce of the I.S. management.
Denise Pierce and Jack Corcoran