Trip to United States

28 June to 30 July 2010

8 July 2010 (Thursday)

I had set aside today to make a lot of phone calls, many using Skype, to confirm arrangements for speaking in parishes the next three weekends, to plan for my arrival in Louisville next week, etc.  Several problems arose, though, to keep a lot of that from happening--the curse of e-mail which brings far away problems to wherever I am.

I made a trip over to the seminary to see some people early this morning to avoid some of the unpleasantness of this present heat wave in the Northeast.  Then I made an unplanned trip to LaGuardia airport in the City to take the Maryknoll Lay Missioners director to a flight to attend some meetings and speak in a parish in Kansas.  A plus later in the day was finding an empty MKLM office that has a good wireless connection where I could work in relative cool and without much disturbance.
The Maryknoll seminary building