Trip to United States

28 June to 30 July 2010

1 July 2010 (Thursday)

A lot of today was spent on the computer, using Skype to check in with several colleagues in the United States and then finding maps and transportation information for the trip to Arkansas tomorrow.  Late in the morning there was a blessing ceremony for Chad Ribordy and Angel Mortel and their daughters Cecilia and Elisa.  They are finishing up their mission work in Brazil and will be returning to the United States.  After the ceremony Charlie and Richard Gatjens went to lunch together.

The farewell ceremonies for lay missioners who are leaving the program are part of the life of the MKLM.  It is a time to offer some closure to years of life in interesting countries around the world and to begin to reconnect with the Bethany staff and life in the United States. FAREWELL Cermony
As part of the ceremony, Jean Walsh (yellow) anointed the head, heart, hands, and feet of each of the Mortel-Ribordy family. An anointing
Then Alicia Butkiewicz, the Director of Mission, presented a special candle to the family to help remember their years in Maryknoll. Presenting a candle
All of the Bethany staff and any lay missioners who were able to come offered a group blessing to Chad and Angel and Cecilia and Elisa. A group blessing
Following the ceremony in the Bethany chapel, everyone went to the first-floor kitchen for some refreshments and last chances to say goodbye. Reception after the ceremony