Trip to United States
and Italy

6-30 November 2009

13 November 2009

Today was basically a travel day. I left Bethany, the Maryknoll Lay Missioners headquarters outside of Ossining, New York at 6:00 AM and went to Westchester County Airport in White Plains, NY for the flight to Louisville via Chicago. In Louisville my cousin met me at the airport. Getting in early in the afternoon, I had time to renew my driver's license which was due to expire in March, 2010 before I would be back in Kentucky again, and then I really applied myself to finishing the two homilies I have to give tomorrow.

Maryknoll is less than 14 miles from Westchester County Airport in White Plains, but the taxi fare for that distance is $50 and the drivers expect a 15% tip. To avoid that I called for help from the lay missioners and Bethany staff, and Nan, one of the candidates for this year's lay mission class, volunteered to drive me there. Here she is at 6:30 in the morning as she prepares to drive back to Bethany and another day of orientation activities. Nan at the airport
Westchester County is one of the wealthiest counties in the United States and is the home of many big corporations such as IBM. The airport handles a LOT of private jets and commercial business traffic, and it is way too small for the volume of passengers who pass through it. Notice the large "C" and "D", and "E" and "F", and "G" and "H" signs on the back wall. They are three doors all leading to the same area and using six different letters. The morning congestion at Westchester County (HPN) can be horrendous. Westchester County Airport
I spend a lot of time on United Airlines' regional jets. Some are jets like this one but many are turboprop planes. I fly them from various cities to United's hub in Chicago. United Airlines regional jets