Trip to Thailand
and United States

July-August, 2009

St. Veronica Church
Howell, New Jersey
11-12 July 2009

The first "church date" scheduled for me was in Howell, New Jersey where I was to speak at St. Veronica Church. It is a parish founded in the early 1960s that now has about 5,000 families.

St. Veronica Church has six masses on a weekend, one on Saturday evening, four on Sunday morning, and one on Sunday evening. The masses reflect a variety of spiritual and musical styles. On the front of the church is a new narthex or gathering place for the worshipping community to use on weekends.
St Veronica Church
On Saturday evening, after the 5:00 PM liturgy, all the St. Veronica priests and I were invited to a parishioner's home for a celebration of the pastor, Fr. Brendan Williams (standiing, right).
Celebration for the pastor
After the third mass of the morning, at 10:30 AM, Fr. Williams offered a blessing to a group of parishioners preparing to depart for a mission trip to Jamaica where they will work with people in a local parish there in various poverty projects.
Mission trip participants
The church is quite large and speaking was a little awkward for me because i tend to walk up and down the aisles, showing various objects I use for illustrating points. Normally that is not a problem, but the body microphone normally used for that was away being repaired so I really had to raise my voice to be heard when out of the pulpit.
Arriving for morning mass