Wednesday, 8 July, was spent in traveling. I left the Maryknoll office in Bangkok at 4:30 AM to get to the airport for a 7:00 AM flight on United from Bangkok to Tokyo. That flight was 6 hours and 20 minutes. In Tokyo I switched to a flight to Washington, DC that lasted 12 hours and 30 minutes. Then there was a 1 hour and 45 minute flight from Washington to White Plains, New York where I landed at 6:15 PM and took a taxi to Maryknoll, New York nearby. |
Somewhere between Bangkok and White Plains, New York I picked up a terrible cold, one of the worst I ever had. It was so bad that I thought I might have the flu, so this morning I went to the Maryknoll Health Services office first thing in the morning. There the doctor said it really was just a bad cold and gave me some medicine that started me feeling better very quickly. |
While I was flying back to New York, Fr. Walter Maxcy died at the St. Teresa Residence on the Maryknoll campus. He had served in the Philippines. I went to his funeral held in the old seminary chapel. The flag on the right is the Vatican flag. On the left are the flags of the Philippines and the US. |
Fr. Jim Noonan, who just recently left the Maryknoll community in Cambodia, had worked many years in the Philippines with Walter Maxcy and preached today at his funeral. |
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