ICDA U.S. Conference

9-13 July 2007


International Catholic Deaf Association
The ICDA was established in 1951 and has local chapters in cities around the world but mostly in the United States and Canada. Until about ten years ago, the ICDA had one convention every year in July, but then Canadian and a United States sections were established. These meet every two years, and this year the ICDA U.S. section met in Denver, Colorado. Charlie Dittmeier went to renew acquaintances with the group. Prior to going to work in India in 1983, he had attended the ICDA convention every year but had not been able to be there in the past twenty years or so.



9 July 2007


Talk by Msgr. Nelson
After the opening session on Sunday night, a social, the business of the conference began on Monday morning with a talk by Monsignor Glenn Nelson from the Rockford, Illinois diocese. He spoke on "The Mass: Strength for Our Daily Life".
Talk by delegates from Trier, Germany
In most years the "international" conference is limited to delegates from North America, but this year the ICDA's newest chapter, Chapter 134 from Trier, Germany, was represented by two deaf people, Maria Fiebus and Norbert Herres, and their hearing priest chaplain, Fr. Ralf Schmitz. They were a welcome addition to the conference.
The general assembly at the conference
In the early 1970s, 300 or 400 Catholic deaf persons and their chapter moderators would attend an ICDA conference. This year in Denver, about 100 deaf people came for the business meetings and other activities.
Louisville delegates meeting Archbishop Chaput
Two deaf people from Louisville's Chapter 14 attended, along with the Louisville moderator. On Monday night there was a mass and dinner at the Denver seminary, and the two Louisville representatives had a chance to meet Archbishop Chaput.
Evening prayer
Before returning to the hotel in southeastern Denver, the delegates gathered in the seminary chapel for evening prayer.

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11 July 2007


Morning prayer in the hotel
Each morning of the conference, the participants had morning prayer together. For many deaf people who are isolated in their home settings, such community prayer times are important parts of the schedule.
Fr. Joe Mulcrone (left center) interprets for Fr. Ralf Schmitz, from Trier, Germany, as the German delegation prepares to leave for the airport to return home.
The assembly of the delegates for a business meeting
The general assembly of the U.S. ICDA, made up of the delegates, moderators, and ICDA officers who discuss and vote on various issues in the business meetings.
Pastoral workers meeting
At lunch time, the pastoral workers from the various ICDA chapters gathered for a luncheon meeting at the parish of Christ Our Risen Savior.
Kentucky members at the conference
ICDA Chapter 14 in Louisville had one of the biggest representations at the conference: Fr. Charlie Dittmeier; Nancy Reynolds (chapter moderator); Deanna and Dianna (twin deaf representatives); Fr. Randy Hubbard (ICDA national chaplain)
Fr. Tom Coyte
Fr. Tom Coyte had the last talk of this third day of the conference, speaking about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the effects of the Holy Spirit in our lives

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