Maryknoll Church Talks

1-2 July 2006


Patrice Van Hyle in discussion

Maryknoll Affiliates

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
30 June 2006


The plan for this weekend was for me to fly to Milwaukee and have lunch with Sam Stanton, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner working in promotion, and two former priest colleagues I had known in Thailand. It turned out the two priests couldn't come but Sam and I had lunch and then he gave me a tour of the Milwaukee lakefront. It's a beautiful area! I was surprised when we stopped for ice cream late in the afternoon and a deaf woman came up and started signing to me. It turned out it was a member of the local Catholic deaf community, and she remembered me from our meetings more than twenty years ago!

In the evening Sam and I went to a meeting of the Milwaukee Maryknoll affiliates, people interested in Maryknoll's mission work who meet regularly and support mission in various ways.

Arriving for the affiliates meeting
The Milwaukee Maryknoll Affiliates group meets monthly to talk about mission and significant issues in the church. This evening fourteen members were present.
Meeting of the Milwaukee affiliates
The larger Maryknoll Affiliates group will have their annual meeting at Maryknoll, New York in August, and tonight's agenda dealt with issues that will be discussed there.
A group photo

A group photo of most of the Milwaukee Affiliates

Patrice Van Hyle
Patrice Van Hyle poses with her Mustang convertible. She was a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Japan.

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