Pat Mudd's Funeral in Kentucky2 April 2005
Pat Mudd, or CP Mudd as he was later known, was a classmate of mine through twelve years at St. Thomas Seminary in Louisville and St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. Then we were colleagues in Louisville after ordination. Eventually Pat left the active priesthood and married a friend of mine, Bernadette Smallwood. In recent years he has been in ill health because of heart disease. When I was in Kentucky last summer, we met and Pat told me his condition was worse and precarious, and he asked if I would preside at his funeral.
On Saturday, 19 March, Pat died and a memorial service was arranged for Saturday, 2 April, at which Fr. Bill Martin and I presided. I left Phnom Penh on Thursday night, 31 March, for the trip to Louisville, and returned the morning of Thursday, 7 April.
Check here for an account of the trip.
31 March
1 April
2 April
3 April
4 April
5-6 April
7 April
Travel: Phnom Penh to Bangkok
Travel: Bangkok to Louisville
Travel: Louisville to Bangkok
Travel: Bangkok to Phnom Penh