3-5 October 2003

MLM Advisory Board Meeting

An introductory dialogue activity In 2003, the Advisory Board for the Maryknoll Lay Missioners met twice a year, and the five Area Representatives tried to be present for one of those meetings.  This year the board meeting in the fall was held immediately prior to the meeting of the Area Representatives with the Association Leadership Team (the ALT + 5). Here the board members and leadership paired up for quick discussions in an opening exercise.
MLM Advisory Board Members in attendance
Karen Allvin
Angela Berryman
Ann Carr
Betty Anne Donnelly
Meg Guider
Jim Hug
Mark Koenig
   Joellen McCarthy
Terry Miller
Robert Morris
John Reid
Mary Sue Smiaroski
Bill Vos
Opening prayer service At the opening prayer service, Eileen Charleton placed symbols of Latin America on the floor.  In successive services, the central area of the chapel was decorated with artifacts from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the United States.
Visual presentation on AIDS Throughout the weekend meetings, short presentations were made by the Area Representatives to give the board members an understanding of the some of the issues and conditions in the mission countries. Here members view a visual exhibit on AIDS in Africa.
Presentation on finances The majority of the time at this board meeting was focused on the financial situation of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners and ways to raise funds to meet the operating expenses for keeping lay missioners in the field. Here Board President John Reid talks with Mary Sue Smiaroski as Sam Stanton listens.
Weekend liturgy On Saturday evening, at the end of the working day, the board celebrated a liturgy with the candidates now in the second month of their orientation. Charlie Dittmeier was the presider.

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