Roberta McLaughlin

Prayer Day






Day of Recollection
14 September 2008

Every year the Maryknoll Lay Missioners in Cambodia get together for a day of prayer and recollection. This time the day was led by Kathy Morefield, a Maryknoll Affiliate from Seattle who is a spiritual director.


The Potter's Place The Potter's Place is a personal ministry of a Christian woman in Phnom Penh. She rented this house, equipped it with a variety of private places on the grounds to pray and reflect and a kitchen, and then opened it up to individuals and groups who want a place to gather for quiet reflection. It is on the edge of Phnom Penh, easily accessible from the city.
Kathy Morefield Kathy Morefield is a spiritual director from Seattle, Washington who spends a good part of each year in Phnom Penh with her husband John. Kathy's training is as a spiritual director. Here she looks at her notes on a porch of the Potter's Place.
Celina Campas and Sami Scott Lisa Pirie (floor), Celina Campas, and Sami Scott listen to Kathy who spoke today about finding God in the chaos of life in our modern world.
Kathy Morefield Kathy Morefield, a gentle, talented, spiritual woman.
Jim McLaughlin Part of the morning was spent in individual reflection. Here Jim McLaughlin utilizes one of the covered shelters on the grounds.
A reflection area Sami Scott takes the horizontal approach to reflection in another area of the grounds of the Potter's Place.
C Campus, R McLaughlin, J McLaughlin in chapel To end the day, we had a prayer service in the round chapel built on the grounds. Celina Campus, Roberta McLaughlin, and Jim McLaughlin take advantage of the silent time.
Maryknoll Lay Missioners 2008 The Maryknoll Lay Missioners as of September, 2008: Roberta McLaughlin, Adel O'Regan, Lisa Pirie, Celina Campas, Jim McLaughin, Sami Scott, and Charlie Dittmeier

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