Goodbye Gathering for Sr. Sue Moore

23 January 2004

Sr. Suzanne Moore, the President of the Maryknoll Sisters, spent a week in Cambodia after attending the meetings of the Maryknoll Mekong Missions in Thailand the week previous.  In Cambodia she met with the sisters living there and visited the mission works of all the Cambodia Mission Team.  On her final night in Cambodia, the CMT gathered for a pizza party at the sisters' house.

Jim McLaughlin and John Barth 

There was no agenda for this evening, just conversation and food.  Here Jim McLaughlin, a newly arrived lay missioner, talks with John Barth, a priest who formerly served in Cambodia but is now part of the General Council in New York of the priests and brothers group in Maryknoll.

Charlie Dittmeier and Helene O'Sullivan 

Charlie Dittmeier and Helene O'Sullivan worked together in Hong Kong before Helene became president of the sisters and moved to New York seven years ago.  Now they are together again in Cambodia.

Time to eat! 

Pizza is expensive in Cambodia just like it is in the United States, but occasionally it's worth it to splurge a bit and save on the cooking.

Ayan Matutina and Doy Castro 

Two more newly arrived lay missioners are Ayan Matutina and Doy Castro, both members of the Philippines Catholic Lay Mission group, but now part of the Maryknoll Cambodia Mission Team.

Judy Helein, Sue Moore, and Luise AhrensThe Cambodia Mission Team is unusual in that it has a former Superior General of the Maryknoll Priests and Brothers and two former Presidents of the Maryknoll Sisters (Helene O'Sullivan and Luise Ahrens, on the right) as members.  With the visit of Sue Moore, the current president of the sisters, there was a lot of past and present leadership in the house this night.

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