Decorating the Sisters' House

16 December 2011

Maryknoll Cambodia has a tradition of going to the Maryknoll Sisters' house about the weekend before Christmas to put up their decorations. We hang ornaments on the tree, eat pizza, and then sing some Christmas songs in a low-key, enjoyable gathering. This year we gathered on a Friday evening after everyone got off from work.
The early arrivals gathered on the front porch while there was still daylight.  Here Bill Burns, Kathy Morefield, and Sami Scott catch up on the news.
Bill Burns, Kathy Morefield, Sami Scott
The top of the bookcase is always reserved for a nativity set of Indonesian origin, and this year it was Lisa Pirie's responsibility to set it up.
Lisa Pirie
Sr. Mary Little kept things on track and made sure the various types of ornaments and decorations were put in the right places. She had put the lights on the tree before we arrived which was a big help.
Sr. Mary Little
Away from the main action, another crew worked in the kitchen, attending to another tradition of decorating Christmas cookies. Lindsay Doucette, Sami Scott, Susan Sporl, and Luise Ahrens all exhibited their creativity.
Lindsay Doucette, Sami Scott, Susan Sporl, Luise Ahrens
Meden Tan tackled a tree all by herself, albeit on a smaller scale.
Meden Tan
Kevin Conroy made his contribution to the group effort also.
Kevin Conroy
While the action swirled around her, Peg Vamosy provided musical accompaniment and a strong voice for Christmas carols.
Peg Vamosy
Finally it was time to eat, and after the pizza was delivered, Mary Little, Len Montiel, and Bill Burns led the migration to the food table.
Mary Little, Len Montiel, Bill Burns

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