Potluck Lunch for Church Community

16 October 2011

The English-speaking Catholic community on Sunday mornings at St. Joseph Church has different dynamics than the Saturday night church group, partly because of the time of day and partly because it has free time after its service. Several times there has been a coffee-and-cookies gathering after mass at the church, and today we had the second potluck dinner gathering at the home of one of the parishioners.

Jan welcoming church friends

After just a short ride from St. Joseph Church, the community was gathered at Jan's house and she graciously welcomed everyone.


Enjoying the meal

Jan really outdid herself in providing food for the group, somewhat forgetting that it was supposed to be a potluck event! There was plenty of food for all.


Meeting new faces

Many people who normally only pass each other and say hello at the church had a chance to sit down together at today's dinner.


Jan's house

Jan's house is not that far from the church and has plenty of room for a large group to gather, and she also provided basketball and bikes.

Enjoying the pool

For those who wished, Jan had also arranged access to a local pool which was popular especially with the children.

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