Moving Day: New House

24 May 2010

The new house probably has more usuable room, on two floors, but is not much larger than our previous place on St 334. It has some really weird architectural quirks, however, some of which made moving furniture quite difficult.

Meeting with the new landlord

As soon as we arrived, our office manager, Siphal, and John Barth sat down to talk to the new landlord and to agree on various things like parking spaces, access to the building at night, paying bills, etc.  As is so typical of Cambodian culture where there is no such thing as privacy, all the workers stood around and listened.
Cleaning a third-floor room

Meanwhile, upstairs two women hired by the landlord continued their last-minute cleaning.
Hoisting furniture upstairs

Because of the bizarre way the stairways are constructed, it is almost impossible to take anything upstairs to our house that way. Anything bigger than a grocery bag had to be hoisted up to the second floor with ropes.  Notice the stairway at the rear of the house.
Lifting the refrigerator

A big concern was whether we would be able to get the refrigerator up using ropes. We were anticipating hiring a truck with a crane after hearing that is what the previous tenants did. But we finally managed to get it upstairs ourselves.

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