Moving Day: Old House

23 May 2010

The house on Street 334 served us well for three years, but then we had a change of personnel when Ed McGovern was assigned to New York and John Barth replaced him in the house. We did not need a house for big activities any more and John didn't like the area's traffic so we decided to move, hopefully to a cheaper area. Finally the day came to actually put everything on the trucks and make our exit.

Moving the tree

Ed was a great one for plants and kept our front porch and other areas quite green.  His masterpiece was this huge tree, big enough when he bought it and now really unwieldy when it was time to move it.
Emptying the old house

John kept an eye on things upstairs, making sure that all that was ours got put on the trucks and all that belonged to the landlord stayed in the room.
Loading the trucks

We hired several of the motorcycle taxi drivers we know to help us with the heavy lifting, and then Siphal, the Maryknoll office manager, brought one of the Maryknoll trucks to complement the flat bed truck we rented.  They had to make several trips.
Moving the refrigerator

Whenever I moved before, we always put the big, heavy, bulky items on the trucks first, but today the refrigerator was the last thing out of the old house.  It took a bit of negotiating to get it down the stairs and around this turn.
Cleaning the porch

We had many pots of flowers on the front porch for years, and—too heavy to move—they left large brown circles on the floor tiles. Luckily Nagry and a lot of scrubbing removed them. The landlord we were leaving was really picky, even obnoxious, about everything needing to be just right.

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