Christmas Decorating
at Maryknoll Sisters

20 December 2009

An annual tradition in the Maryknoll Cambodia team is an invitation to the house of the Maryknoll Sisters the Sunday before Christmas to decorate their home, have some pizza, and just enjoy a quiet evening together.

Sr. Len Montiel


Sr. Len Montiel begins on the front porch. Every house in the urban area--and many in the rural area--have the heavy steel grills to deter thieves.

Inside decorators


Mary Lou Doran, Lisa Pirie, and Sr. Regina Pellicore tackle the small tree by the front window.

Bob Wynne, Bill Burns


At the same time, Bob Wynne and Bill Burns work on the big tree in the living room.

The cookie decorators


Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, Alice Marianito, Susan Sporl, Mary Lou Doran, Lisa Pirie, and Sr. Luise Ahrens take on the cookie decorating responsibilities.

Waiting for the pizza


After the decorations were up, Bob Wynne, Sr. Regina, Adel O'Regan, and Sr. Helene awaited the pizza's arrival.

Pizza time


Finally it was time to eat for Susan Sporl, a guest, Brian Morefield, and Adel.

Charlie Dittmeier and Bob Wynne



Charlie Dittmeier and Bob Wynne in conversation after dinner.

Cutting the cake



John Morefield taking aim at the cake for dessert.

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