Random ideas, comments, reflections, and information on mission and life in a mission country. |
International Day of Disabled Persons 2003
Celebration in Phnom Penh 3 December 2003
Thanksgiving Day, 2003
Phnom Penh, Cambodia 27 November 2003 The American Thanksgiving Day is a work day in Cambodia, but every year the Maryknoll community gets together along with other Americans who don't have families here to celebrate with. This year the food was especially good although John Tucker didn't get the chance to bring his coleslaw.
Just a week since the rainy season...
and it's already too dry 6 November 2003 The rainy season ended about a week ago, after a week or so of really heavy downpours, and now already people are complaining about how dry it is. It's particularly notable at the Maryknoll house because the next street over is being paved and all the traffic is through our dirt street and raising heavy clouds of dust.
New PCLM Missioners
Swelling the Maryknoll ranks 10 September 2003
Lay Missioners in Cambodia
Creating community 8 September 2003
Lost E-mail
E-mail destroyed by anti-virus program 22 August 2003 Tuesday I had to remove the Blaster virus from a computer in the deaf office. That night I was working on e-mail on my computer at home, and suddenly all the e-mails in all the folders disappeared, 900 MBs worth! I had just updated both the F-Prot and McAfee anti-virus programs that I use, and I scanned the system but could find no trace of anything nefarious. Finally, after three days of harried tinkering with the problem, I did a search on Google about disappearing e-mail folders and found a reference to older versions of McAfee causing that problem. I had changed one switch when I updated McAfee Tuesday, so I went back and toggled it off again, restored the mail files from my backup, and, viola!, my mail has remained in place for the past four hours! I can't believe that McAfee, which is supposed to protect my e-mail, actually deleted it! Thank goodness I had a backup so that I lost only two days worth of mail! (If you wrote me something earlier this week and didn't get a reply, please send it again!)
Bangkok Hospital Care
Sure beats the U.S. 16 August 2003 Yesterday I had to fly one of our staff from the Deaf Development Program to Bangkok for medical treatment. She had awakened Friday morning in a great deal of pain and our local medical service in Phnom Penh, an evacuation service with foreign doctors, decided that she needed treatment in Bangkok. We hastily arranged a flight and I came with her to provide any assistance that was needed. We arrived in Bangkok last night at 8:15 PM and from the airport called her insurance company in Australia as directed, and they told us which hospital to go to. When we arrived, they were waiting for her, and she quickly saw three different doctors. After examination, they decided on surgery, and she was operated on at 6:30 this morning, and is now recovering very well. It was amazing to me how different the hospital care is in the Bumrungrad Hospital from that offered in most U.S. hospitals. Granted Bumrungrad is a top-level hospital, the first internationally certified hospital in Asia, but the care has just been tremendous:
I suspect part of the good service and care Liza is experiencing is due to her insurance company in Australia. They made all sorts of arrangements for us before we arrived, and one of their staff also called today to make sure everything was going OK. It is just so reassuring and pleasant to find companies and staff who really seem to care and don't feel they are doing you a favor to be professional, to be nice, and to smile.
St. Thomas Seminary
Ham radio operators--1959 10 August 2003
Duk-gai with an attitude
"In your face, barang (foreigner)!" 6 July 2003 About two months ago, I mentioned a duk-gai that lives in my room. Duk-gais are BIG lizards, 10-15 inches long, that bark somewhat like a small dog--and just as loud. Well, the one in my room--which I never saw for the first 2½ years--has suddenly developed an attitude. I don't know what I did to irritate him (her?) but the last three days he has left a big pile of poop on the floor. I've never even seen any deposits before, in all this time, but this week the grape-sized piles have been right out in the open where they couldn't be missed. I think he's sending me a message but I'm not sure what it is.
The Fourth of July
Another work day in Cambodia 4 July 2003
Motordupe Drivers 21 June 2003
Plenty hot
...but it's better now 19 June 2003 One of the nice things about the recent trip to the United States in spring time was being able to sleep at night without a fan. It was never cool enough, even in New York, to use a blanket, but it was delightful even though I never got the snow I was praying for. Coming back to Phnom Penh, I was struck by how hot it was. May is the hottest month of the year here, but it seemed hotter than I remembered in previous Mays. The first two or three nights I had the fan aimed at my bed set on "high," and I was still wet with sweat. But then we had a rainy day--we're starting into the hot and wet season as opposed to the rest of the year, the hot and dry season--and the past few nights have been much more bearable. I even had the fan set on "low" last night.
Happy Easter!
Ecumenical Service in Phnom Penh 20 April 2003
Five of the largest Christian English-speaking groups in Phnom Penh sponsored a combined Easter service in a hotel ballroom on Easter morning. (Left) The Filipino choir from the Roman Catholic group sings. (Right) We had 350 people in the chairs and another 120 stood or sat on the floor.
It's #4 for 2003 14 April 2003 Today is the first day of the three-day Khmer New Year celebration, the fourth time we have celebrated a new year in 2003. First there was the Western new year in January, then the lunar new year in February, the Bahá'í new year in late March, and now we celebrate another New Year's Day in Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, and Laos, countries that share certain aspects of their cultures. It's officially a three-day holiday period, starting today, but most government offices and many businesses were not working last Friday and will not starting working again until next Monday or even Tuesday. At the Deaf Development Program, the staff chose to use three of their fifteen public holidays for this occasion, but many of them have added two days of annual leave to enable them to take the whole week off and go to visit their families in the provinces, a very important part of the traditional celebration here.
The War in Iraqi
Unnecessary Suffering 13 April 2003
Phnom Penh's NGO Fair
NGOs show their stuff 7 April 2003
Forum on Iraq War
Ambassadors meet opposition in Phnom Penh 3 April 2003
The light's green
but he's not going anywhere! 1 April 2003
The education system in Cambodia
Barely functioning 28 March 2003 The educational system in Cambodia is barely functioning. Addressing the problems of education here is the only hope for Cambodia, but trying to make a difference in the system is so difficult and so depressing. Cambodia desperately needs good teachers. A whole generation of teachers was wiped out by the Khmer Rouge. And yet when teachers do graduate from a training facility here, they are not paid for the first year "to test their commitment"! Can you imagine a system that would even think that way? With that thinking at that top, no wonder things are in such a mess!
The buckle goes in the center!
Get it right! 26 March 2003
The Bahá'í New Year
The third new year celebration for 2003 22 March 2003 Yesterday, the first day of spring, was also the first day of the new year for the Bahá'í religious community. It wasn't a widely celebrated occasion in Cambodia, but it was the third new year festival we've had in 2003. There was the western new year on January 1st. Then in February we celebrated the Lunar New Year with the onset of the Year of the Ram. Now March has Naw Ruz, the Bahá'í new year. And there's still another to come! The Khmer New Year will be celebrated in mid April!
Mirror, mirror on the wall...
...helps the dancers perfect their art 21 March 2003
Kim Mom
A pause in her mission career 17 March 2003
St. Patrick's Day Celebration in Phnom Penh
with an anti-war candlelight vigil 16 March 2003
Kim Mom, MMAF
The end of a remarkable mission experience 15 March 2003
Maryknoll Cambodia
The whole mission team, March 2003 12 March 2003 ![]() (Back) Charlie Dittmeier, Mary Little, Len Montiel, Bill Burns, Rachel Smith, Kathy Kremer, Ed McGovern, Jim Noonan, Fran Kemmerer, Luise Ahrens, John Tucker
The meaning of fasting for today 10 March 2003 What does that fasting look like? It can be different for various ones of us, but it is something that the adults of this community embrace. Fasting from food--just one kind of Lenten fasting--may bring us down a notch or two on the food chain. We may explore the diet of the developing world. We may explore a diet that abuses the earth less than our usual ways. We all know some of the numbers. We Americans, 6 percent of the earth's population, control half the world's wealth (and use up 40% of the world's resources). One of us uses up what 50 people in India use up. Thousands die each day from lack of enough nourishment. But for us, even a modest salary opens up what is impossible to billions. Lent's question for those who believe the gospel is: What right have we? Maybe when we fast, we will come at last to believe the gospel. What right have we? And what are we to do? Lent's fasting has us deal with these scary questions together, and not so much in our minds as in our stomachs. What right do we have? --From Celebration, by Gabe Huck
International Women's Day
DAC Celebration 8 March 2003
The Disability Action Council, where Rachel Smith and I work, is taking Monday off also but had a luncheon (photo) for all the staff women at a restaurant across the river last Thursday.
Opposing the War
A Letter to the Editor 18 February 2003 The prospect of a war with Iraq is truly horrifying, especially if the United States attacks unilaterally. The human and political consequences will be immense and disastrous. Each of us needs to do anything we can to persuade the Bush administration that war is not the answer at this time. One way is to write letters to the editor. Here is one I wrote today to The Record, the Catholic weekly of the Archdiocese of Louisville:
Seminary Preparation 11 February 2003 The six years of Latin, four years of French, three years of Greek, and one year of Hebrew I studied in the seminary were absolutely NO help in preparing me to learn Chinese or Khmer!
Don Bosco Anniversary
Traditions Catholic and Khmer 8 February 2003
The New MMAF Cambodia Group
Our first photo together 7 February 2003 ![]() When our three new lay missioners arrived on 4 January, they increased the number of Maryknoll lay missioners to eight, the largest our group has ever been. We meet on the first and third Fridays of the month, and tonight we took the first photograph of our new group all together. (Left to right: Judy Helein, Rachel Smith, Kim Mom, Kathy Kremer, Lisa Pirie, John Tucker, Kathy Tucker, Charlie Dittmeier)
Wat Than Graduation
...the last one with Maryknoll 28 January 2003
Death in Cambodia
Never too far away 24 January 2003 Maryknoll has a group of motorcycle taxi drivers who have been with us for years. We have trained them to drive sensibly and safely, following what should be good traffic rules here, and they have not only transported us well over the years but also become our friends, and even our bodyguards. While we were in Hua Hin at our meetings, we were notified that Vuthy, the driver for Sr. Mary Little, was hit by a car near our skills training project and was near death. He hadn't been wearing his helmet and sustained severe head injuries. This morning his wife decided to remove the life support systems keeping him going and he died within minutes. His funeral was this evening, a cremation at a local wat. A group of Maryknollers was there along with many motordupe drivers to offer support and comfort to his wife and her three daughters, the eldest five years old. Cremations are difficult in cultures like this because there are no cover-ups as in western cultures. The body is in a simple wooden box with no top, and when a large door to the oven is opened, the body is slid in and set alight while everyone watches. Tomorrow when the ashes have cooled, the family will go back and pick out pieces of bone and teeth and put them in an urn.
Sign Language Workshop
A Difficult Day 10 January 2003
Methodist Church Evicted from Its Land
Former Church Member Claims Title 3 January 2003
Only Cambodian nationals are allowed to own property, so the title to the land was put in the name of a Khmer former church missionary. Now he claims the land belongs to him and not to the church even though 1) he could provide no written documentation of his ownership rights, 2) he signed a letter in 1998 saying that the land belonged to the church and not to him, and 3) the Supreme Court overturned an earlier eviction notice. But now suddenly, in a private meeting with the former missionary, a judge signed a new eviction order which was carried out this week by military police. The US Embassy commented that they are unsure if the law is being followed and noted the caution that must be exercised by potential foreign investors. The Catholic Church in Cambodia has several similar agreements where church property is listed in the name of a church member. Some church leaders have expressed concern about this in recent years.
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