17 November 2003

Deaf Education Workshop

Arrival of Presenters

Presenters and interpreters arrive from Finland 

Ms. Jaana Aaltonen and Ms. Jaana Keksi-Levijoki are two teachers from the C.O. Malm School for deaf children in Turku, Finland.  They are the main presenters about deaf education for the workshop. Here is the arrival of three of the Finnish team at Phnom Penh's Pochentong Airport.  From left to right: Virpi ThurĂ©n and Sirpa Ruuskanen (intepreters), and Jaana Keksi-Levijoki.

A late dinner 

After settling in at a hotel, the group from Finland, accompanied by Colin Allen and Liza Clews, walked to a nearby restaurant for a late dinner before turning in for some sleep after a long flight.

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