MKLM Retreat

August, 2014

This is the Crab Market in Kep. It is a bustling place, right on the sea, where the crabs go straight from a crab cage to a cooking pot to your plate. Freshly caught fish are roasted next to your table. In addition there are many stalls selling various fruits, grilled cakes like waffles, dried fish, and then others with packaged goods like oil and seasonings.

Statue at the Crab Market Retrieving crab cages from the surf
Opening crab shells Fresh uncooked squid
Selecting crabs to eat
Opening crab shells
A row of cooking pots for crabs
Putting a pot on the fire
Grilling seafood
Grilling whole fish
Some baked goods
Piles of small shirmp
The outer edge of the market
Dried banana chips
Various fruits
Roasted bananas
Some dried food

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