Lay Mission Gathering

2 September 2012

On the first Sunday of each month, lay missioners from various mission groups based in many countries gather for prayer and reflection and fellowship. This month we met at the home where Bishop Emile lives in retirement.

Prayer at lay mission meeting

The opening group
We drove in the Maryknoll truck to the bishop's house which is located on the banks of the Mekong River. To start, Steve Chinnavaso gave an explanation of the afternoon's schedule.
Opening prayer in the chapel
Then the group moved downstairs to the chapel in the bishop's house for a prayer led by Dee Dungy (red shirt).
Small group discussion
After a period of reflecting alone as individuals, we had a break and then gathered in small groups to process our thoughts about how to find God in a busy world.
Cleaning up after the meeting
At the end of the afternoon, several of the members cleaned up the cups and glasses we had used during the day. Bishop Emile is quite happy to have groups like ours come to his house for a quiet place to pray and reflect.
Group photo

Before we left and headed back across the bridge to Phnom Penh, we posed on the porch for a photo with Bishop Emile.


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