Chrism Mass

12 April 2011

Each year one of the important liturgies in the period before Easter is the Chrism Mass, the ceremony where the bishop blesses the holy oils that will be used for the sacraments and other ceremonies throughout the coming year, and where the Sacrament of Holy Orders is celebrated and the priests renew their commitments and their obedience to their bishop superiors.  In Phnom Penh, the Chrism Mass is held on the Tuesday before Holy Week, at St. Joseph Church in Phnom Penh, and basically all the priests from all three dioceses in the country attend.

Blessing the chrism A general rule in Cambodia is that anything public and important has to (1) start early and (2) be loud.  The chrism mass wasn't unnecessarily loud but it started at 6:30 AM.  Here Bishop Olivier blesses one of the three containers of holy oils that will be used throughout the coming church year.  Notice Bishop Kike's bare feet and the congregation sitting on the floor, two other characteristics of liturgy here.
A quick breakfast After the two-hour chrism ceremony, there was a quick breakfast of baguettes and a rice and fish porridge before the priests from all three dioceses gathered for a morning of reflection.
Bishop Olivier Bishop Olivier of Phnom Penh started the morning with a reflection on priests as "ambassadors of salvation."
Small group discussions Following Bishop Olivier's input, all the priests divided into six groups and dispersed throughout the building for small group discussions.  Notice the priests sitting on the floor on mats in the main church.  You wouldn't see that in a Western church!
After the discussions, various priests gave feedback on the points and questions raised in each of their groups.
The three bishops The morning ended with the three bishops offering announcements and information about upcoming events in the Church of Cambodia.  Left to right are Bishop Anthony of Kampong Cham, Bishop Oliver of Phnom Penh, and Bishop Kike of Battambang.

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