Meeting of Lay Missioners

6 November 2011

Thary speaking to lay missioners A group of lay missioners from various countries meets each month as something of a support group and to work together in a more focused way.  When Bishop Olivier attending a recent meeting, he suggested that we invite a Cambodia lay person who is a missionary to his or her own Cambodian people in order to learn that perspective, and so today a Catholic woman named Thary came to speak to the group about her conversion and her work in the church.
Attending to business and schedules First the group prayed together in a small chapel, then listened to Thary, and then the third order of business was to talk about schedules and plans for the future.  There always seems to be some important activity looming on the horizon and always it is difficult to plan because the different groups and individuals are on such different schedules and are scattered across several provinces.
Farewell to Bibeth The final activity of the day was to say goodbye to Bibeth (standing by the blue board), a lay missioner who is finishing her time in Cambodia and returning to the Philippines.  Her mission group has sent four new members, however, so the net numbers of lay missioners has increased.

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