The Catholic Church in Cambodia

Superior General Visits Cambodia

24 September 2009

Sisters with Bishop Emiles Sr. Leon (left) is the regional superior for the Missionaries of Charity and she accompanied Sr. Prema, the Superior General of the community, as they met Bishop Emile Destombes at the sisters' orphanage in Phnom Penh.
Mass at the sisters' orphanage For this mass, the sisters used a top-floor covered play area of the orphanage.  The priests with Bishop Emile are the priests who come for the morning masses each day which the sisters have at 6:30 AM.  Quite a few local people from Phnom Penh also attend the daily mass which is held in the smaller chapel downstairs.
Young people participate in the prayer of the faithful Quite a few youth came for the mass today.  In addition to providing the music and a small choir, they also participated in offering the petitions of the Prayer of the Faithful.
Bringing up bread and wine for the mass Several girls in traditional Khmer dress led a procession at the mass.  Sr. Prema was elected Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity in March, 2009 at a chapter meeting in Kolkata.  Their worldwide community now has 4950 sisters in 180+ countries.
Gathering with local people After mass, the young people gathered with the sisters and Bishop Emile for quite a few photographs.

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