Prayer Day for Lay Missionaries

Each month the lay missionaries from various Catholic groups working in Cambodia meet for education, formation, socialization, and mutual support. The meeting in December was held at Banteay Prieb, a Jesuit center for people with disabilities located outside of Phnom Penh.

"Banteay Prieb" means "center of doves." It started out as an orphanage but was taken over by the Khmer Rouge as a torture center. Today the Jesuits have retained the original name to reflect the peace and hope they wish to bring now to people with disabilities who are trained there.

Kathy Morefield

Kathy Morefield, a Maryknoll Affiliate from Seattle who spends a good part of each year in Cambodia as a spiritual director, was the leader of the day of prayer. Her theme was the idea of "A Magnificat for Cambodia."

A small group discussion

Wendy, Bill, and Dolly in a small group discussion. The schedule was low-key and comfortable to make the day a relaxing one.


A small group discussion

Valeria, Cissy, and Ayan in another small group. The lay missionaries came from six different countries.

A small group discussion

John, Doy, and Clara discuss the theme for the day as it applies to them.


A small group discussion

Bong, Betty, and Lisa met on a back porch where there was a nice breeze.


Preparing lunch

Everyone pitched in to put out the various foods we brought with us.


A liturgy

Fr. Joaqui, one of the Jesuit priests at Banteay Prieb, presided at the liturgy.

Touring Banteay Prieb

At the end, the group had a quick tour of the training facilities and a chance to buy items made there.

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