13 December 2003

Christmas Concert

Singing Christmas songs 

Every year the choir presents a Christmas concernt after one of the Advent masses.  The choir that sings for the mass of the English-speaking Catholic community is quite accomplished.  We are very fortunate to have them.

Church choir concert 

The Filipino community make up the core of the choir for the English mass held on Saturday nights at the Russian Cultural Center, but in the past few months several members from other countries have joined them.  The Christmas concert this year lasted about forty-five minutes.

Children dancing 

An innovation for this year's concert was an enthusiastic dance to a Christmas carol by some of the children of the choir members.  They really put their hearts and souls into their number.

Flutes and guitars together 

Another added feature this year was a medley of songs by two flutists.  For their finale they were joined by another flute and two guitars.

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