Christmas Celebrations in Cambodia--2001

Ecumenical Service -- 23 December

Musicians Every year at Christmas and Easter, the larger Christian church groups in Phnom Penh arrange a joint service, usually held at one of the larger hotel ballrooms. Here musicians from several of the groups perform for one of the many Christmas songs sung during the service.
Children's choir The service consists of several Christmas hymns interspersed with readings from the Old and New Testaments relating to the coming of the Messiah. Two songs were designated as "special music," the one done by the children's choir (pictured here) and another done by the Filipino group from the Catholic community.
Charlie Dittmeier Charlie Dittmeier was the service leader for this year's service at the Hotel Le Royal. 380 chairs had been set up by the hotel but another 30 or 40 were needed.  Unfortunately the hotel could not provide that many so some people were sitting on the carpeted floor.
Two men praying Several lay and ordained ministers from the other churches participated as scripture readers or leaders of prayer (pictured here). The churches involved were the Anglican-Episcopal, the Assembly of God, the Interdenominational Christian Fellowship, and the Catholic community.

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