Wooden Doors

23 May 2011

In most aspects of life, Cambodia is very traditional.  The customs and cultural expressions of previous eras live on, little challenged by the modern world. Housing is an example.  The way Cambodians design and construct their houses follows patterns and preferences from long ago.  Because Cambodia is not an industrial society with machines and metals, much attention has been paid to its rich heritage of heavy, luxury hardwoods.  Probably most Cambodians aspire to have a "real" house full of luxury wood.  One sign of that is the seeming preoccupation with heavy wooden doors.  The family hasn't arrived, their home is not complete without these doors.  Sometimes the door is stronger and more expensive than the wall in which it is set, but the doors are a necessity.There are small shops making them everywhere.  I sometimes wonder where they all go!  That many doors can't be used in new construction here.

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