Cambodian New Year

13-15 April 2008


Street Scenes during the Khmer New Year #1

Flower market Not many establishments were open during the new year, but this small market enjoyed a lively trade, catering to the people who needed traditional fresh flowers to decorate their own homes or to take as gifts when visiting their relatives and friends.

Buying flowers This young couple has selected a traditional type of green plant for their home. The celebration wouldn't be the same without these touches, much as a Western home needs holly or an evergreen wreath at Christmas.

Fruit market Every home needs flowers for the new year, but visiting family--especially elders--and friends requires a gift of fruit.

Offering left for spirits The spirits are not forgotten either. This offer made to deceased relatives and ancestors is placed outside the doorway of a home. Rice, noodles, fruits, various meats, and different drinks and incense make up the offering.

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