27 January 2004

Union Leader's Funeral Ceremony

On 22 January 2004, Chea Vichea, a popular union leader in Cambodia, was assassinated not far from the Maryknoll house as he read a newspaper.  On Sunday, 25 January about 15,000 marched from the Free Trade Union offices to Vichea's funeral pyre in a public park near the river.  Suspicion that the government's ruling party was behind the slaying may be the reason the unusual permission was granted to hold a very public funeral in the park.  These photos give an idea of some of the funeral culture of Cambodia.
The funeral pyre early in the day
Funeral pyre early in the day

Factory workers arriving for ceremony
Factory workers arriving in trucks

Monks going to ceremony
Monks walking to the ceremony

Undercover police watching the crowd
Plainclothes police watch the crowd

Protest banner on a hat
Protest banner on a hat

Beginning of the funeral procession
Beginning of the funeral procession

Mourners carrying a full-size cutout of Vichea
Mourners carrying life-size cutout of Vichea

Marchers carrying flowers
Marchers carrying flower arrangements

(More photographs)

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